Over my career as a professional graphic designer I’ve learned much and worked for fantastic clients alongside some of the very best in the business. But my involvement with the wider lettering community has been truly life changing.
In recent years I’ve had the opportunity to do many things I hadn’t considered before. Experience lettercutting and letterpress printing taught by the finest exponents of those arts, participate in talks and exhibitions as well as curate ones of my own, build a mad musical sculpture and direct a short film.
Not least I had the privilege of being the Chairman of Letter Exchange for six years culminating in curating and organising the 30th anniversary conference. I am now a Trustee of the Lettering Arts Trust where our aim is to inspire people about lettering, while equipping letter-carving artists with the skills they need for now and the future.
This shift in perspective from producing work for clients to producing things for a wider audience has been liberating. The people I’ve collaborated with have been inspirational and I look forward to future projects whatever they might bring.
A few useful links:
Lettering Arts Trust
Letter Exchange
Falcon Windsor
Dark Angels